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2D Cartoon Animation | Company: Fish Tales Studio

Software:  AE/PS/ AI/AN /CV

Code :20203  (Type: 3mins)

voice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng 

Code :111a  (Type: 5mins)

voice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng 

Code:20201(Type: 4mins)

voice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng 

Code:117a (Type: 5mins)

voice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng 

Code:5A  (Type:5mins)

voice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng + Mandarin 

Code:12A  (Type:5mins)

voice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng + Mandarin 

Code:20201 (Type:4mins)

voice over: None  | subtitles: Eng 

Code:11A  (Type:5mins)

oice over: Yes  | subtitles: Eng + Mandarin

Code:20204 (Type:4mins)

voice over: None  | subtitles: Eng 

Code:20201 (Type:3mins)

voice over: None  | subtitles: Eng 

Copyright © 2009-2023 All rights reserved. 

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